Thursday, December 24, 2009


We have had the shortest day, light is returning slowly, we have had te darkest days..I am glad the sun is getting a bit stronger every day, nature will start to revive quite soon. I am already looking forward to Imbolc and the return of the Maiden and everything she represents. I need healing, I need to learn how to trust. My lack of trust in people is holding me back...I need to know not all people will hurt me like my aprents did.I also need to learn to trust my own judgement, to trust my own feelings and knowledge. I am trying to learn this by finfing out what makes me truly happy. I keep a list of this I did every day to make my soul makes me grateful for the things i have. I think that is an important thing in times like these. Christmas seems to become an increasingly commercial thing, revolving about eating and getting presents, buying stuff...Not about important things and being thankfuk for our family an happiness. Kind of sad and also a symptom of the disease that riddles our society. I hope you all enjoy your holidays and wish you a save and healthy 2010


  1. Schrijf je thankfuk niet met ck?? :P

    Liefs Thess

  2. Lieve Nancy, jij ook heel fijne dagen! Durf op je gevoel te vertrouwen, dan komt het echt wel goed.


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