Tuesday, December 16, 2008

thoughts on tuesday

At the moment I am re-reading The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I just finished installment 8, and I remember again why I liked and hated this series at the same time. The settings are rich and detailed, as are the main characters. But somewhere in the middle of the series Robert Jodan got lost in his own world. The pace in the books dissappears after volume 5, and only returns in the 11th installment. It is hard to keep reading when not a lot is happening in the books, nut fortunately I know it will get better. It is sad Robert Jordan did not get to finish his epic work, but I am looking forward to the last book. Brian Sanderson is cuurently working on it, and I think he could do a great job if his books are anything to go by. So, at least for now I will have enough reading material. It might last me till Yule. The weather here is not good enough to spend a lot of time outdoors. It is cold and foggy, but at least it is dry. Holda has not spread a new blanket of snow yet. Maybe in time for Yule till next time Enelya


  1. Love the look of your blog! I can't wait to read more. I love new blogs - I'm always so excited to see where they go and what I'll learn from them.

  2. LOL, this is me, Kris (Mrs. B.). I have no idea why I'm coming up as "silvermoonwitch", which is my URL, not my user name. Weird!


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